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I like the concept. It gives a vibe of "Into the breach".

Unfortunately I got stuck on the 3rd level (shielded city and diggers), would have loved to see the other puzzles.

I hope you keep working on it, and that I get another chance, with a little bit more introduction and signposting.

Hey! Thanks for the feedback. Messages like yours definitely make it seem like developing it further would be worth it.

Wow! Some great puzzles and I loved the artstyle! It is quite impressive that, with such simple ideas/mechanics you were able to make a complex and well-thought out puzzle game.

I got stuck in the final level for like 2 hours until it finally clicked! Great job on making an awesome game!

Wow, thanks! I appreciate your very kind comments and I'm glad you had some fun (and challenge!)!

It's nice to see an how things unfold after you've set up your actions. That is a good puzzle game.
One neatpick is that maybe it's best to not show the level's flavor text on reset.

Good idea! Thanks!


I've been stuck on the last level for over an hour now, enjoying my time, but please tell me there is a solution here, I just can't see it haha

(1 edit)

There is definitely a solution! I think there might be only one. My clue would be this: digger on the obvious tile to get water in. Bomb to buy some time (and set a fire!) and then the trick is where to use the last fire tool (it needs to do two jobs, and don't forget, it's not only trees you can set on fire!)

Thanks for playing :)


Cool game, cool graphics even when the building looks a bit strange. Very hard puzzle with the digger.

Awesome, thanks for the feedback!


Cool concept. Love the artwork. I gave up on the level with the shields, I don't understand what's the point of the digger. I'm sure I could get it by trying harder but I am lazy. I love the tree tiles, and I found the other one a lil behind in quality.

The music is too intense imo, yes it's the theme of destruction, but it's a chill gameplay so it doesn't fit much.

I find the turn passing too slow, would be nice to have an option for speed.

Good job!

Absolutely! The trees were my favourite too. I'm not really an artist so I just did the best I could with what I have :) If I take this game further, I'll definitely get a proper artist to join to get involved!

Yeah, music is mostly placeholder too, but fitted the theme well enough for the jam. We added a mute button, just in case it got annoying!

Thanks for playing the game and for the honest feedback :)


Very creative and interesting puzzle game! The puzzles were very challenging. If you continue to work on this game, I'd recommend teaching the puzzle concepts more gradually, as it can be a bit too tricky and overwhelming to solve. Otherwise, I enjoyed playing it, and I think you did a great job at fitting to the theme!

Ah thanks! Yeah, getting that balance right is tricky. I wanted to get a good mix of easy and difficult for the purposes of the jam (because the play time might be quite short). Your idea for better tutorial or signposting is spot on, and is definitely where I would take this! 

Thanks for checking it out :)